Thursday, May 17, 2012

Week 10: Get a Pixie Cut

I love playing with my hair. It has been long, short, medium length. It’s been curly and straight. It’s been blonde, brown, black, and red. There are few things I wouldn’t do to my head, just to wonder if it would look good, and the few things I wouldn’t do are only because I have a job where I need fairly conservative hair.


I also get bored easily, and when my hair has been one style for too long, I start to get antsy. I comb through websites with photos of different hairstyles, asking my friends how they’d look on me.

“No,” I think. “I need to grow my hair out. It needs to happen. I want long, beautiful flowing locks a la Zooey Deschanel.” And then I go against my thoughts and lumber down to the salon to chop it all off.

look. at. that. hair.

That is what happened a few weeks ago, when I decided rather suddenly to get the pixie cut I’d always dreamed of having, but stopped just short of achieving. I had cut my hair short before, but never Emma Watson short. And that is what I wanted.

the before photo. right after my last haircut.

I called up Jessica, eager to get her recommendation for a place to go. She had had her haircut in Japan twice, and always ended up looking super cute. Because of this, I went for a run to her place, and then we drove down to the salon together. As it turned out, I had been to karaoke on my birthday with my hairdresser! While her English was non-existent, she was super nice, and more importantly, very talented with a pair of scissors.

We talked back and forth in broken Japanese, and she asked how much I wanted taken off. I showed her the photo that I’d brought with me, and I swear, her eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “Really?!” she asked in Japanese. “So short!”

the photo i brought in.

“Yes, I know. Get rid of it.” I replied in my amazing flawless Japanese.

And so she did. And I ended up looking like this:

I know you have all probably seen pictures of my hair by now and you’ve told me what you thought, but if this is new to you, what do you think? Should I stick with long hair or short? Have you ever done anything crazy to your hair? Let me know!

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