Monday, May 17, 2010

Days 5 and 6? I think? I'm already starting to lose count of days.

Day 5:

Char took us for a drive around the southeastern part of PEI. we went to Georgetown, got lunch in Montague, and then went to Cape Bear and Point Prim to see some lighthouses! The lighthouses were pretty cool, the one at cape bear was the lighthouse where they first heard the titanic's distress signal. That was a fun and exciting time! We also went to Buffaloland provincial park, where we got to see the buffalo graze! I was really really excited about that! I have no idea why there are buffalo on PEI, but it was pretty rad to see them!

After that, we went to Frank's relative's 85th birthday party, which was a potluck with a bunch of country people I've never met. I have never felt so out of place, all i could do was wait for it to end. But end it finally did, and I met some cool people, i guess.

then, we drove into charlottetown, and went to the City Cinema to watch an aussie movie about an adulterous couple who jack a big bag of cash. It was called the Square. it was intense. Also, nothing is open. not even coffee shops. or anything. it was ridiculous, trying to find something to do for the 45 minutes before the movie started. ANYWAY then we went home and went back to sleep. :)

Day 6:

we basically spent the day prepping for the next 4 days, where we'll be driving around the coast and camping at the national parks. get ready for pictures of sweaty dirty jeri and luke without a shower and with only the bare minimum of food! so there won't be any blog posts for a while.

we went shopping for groceries, bought stuff like freezedried milk and stuff! yum.

updates to follow in about a week or so, so long for now, peoples!

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