Friday, March 19, 2010

I am an artist.

or am I?

What defines artistic talent? What makes a poem "good"? Is anyone who has slapped a few lines together and added a few spaces an artist? Are artists relegated to the fields of visual art? Are musicians artists? Are poets? Screenwriters? DJs? Non-fiction writers? Journalists?

I don't know. Thoughts on the matter?


Dash News said...

I think that everyone's an artist, but few are so brave to pursue that art seriously. One only has to be good in but few's hearts to be considered great, which nulls the argument of skill within creativity. I think I would agree with your title, but I would also have to note that I would agree with anyone else who proclaims such on a blog, for at least they are pursuing. Interesting thought, this is my opinion on the matter.

Dash News said...

You also have to be sad about anything/everything.

Nikole said...

I hate the internet. It lets too many people be too many things. Including a photographer. That also happens to be my favourite part of the internet.

Nathanial Stuart said...

It's a genre of occupation, like artisan, labourer, or administrator. If I solder a pipe it doesn't make me a plumber, if I cut down a tree is doesn't make me a lumberjack.
Art is the manipulation of a medium to express emotional content. But there is art in anything people deign to do: talking, walking, dancing and watching. Everyone is artistic, but relatively few people can earn a living from it.