Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Famous McGill Graduates

1. William Shatner
- actor and silver fox
- BCom 1952
- Captain Kirk

2. Steven Pinker
- BA 76 in experimental psychology
-psycholinguistic genius
- on Time's list of 100 people or something
- mad sweet jew fro

3. Sam Roberts
- BA '98
- Rock star and sexpot
- famous for being rad and playing rad tunes.

4. Jack Layton
-BA '70
-sexy leader of NDP
-killer stache
-killer political views, etc.

5. Win Butler
- BA '04
- member of Arcade Fire
- famous for making kickin' tunes

6. Wilfrid Laurier
- BA (some year a long time ago)
- 7th prime minister of Canada
-had cool hair
-is old and stuff
-has a shitload of things named after him

7. Burt Bacharach
- BMus a while ago
- best song ever: Raindrops Keep Fallin' on my head
- best known for being cool

8. Leonard Cohen
- BA 56
- best known for making awesome tunes
-also for generating a hipster following
-i'd tap that

9. Christopher Plummer
- actorrrr
-played the voice of the old dude that tried to kill the bird in Up
- had slightly more important roles too.

10. Alyson's aunt
- lesbian
- studied audiology


mom said...

ok i personally think your nuts...
Christopher was also in the sound of music... duh

Anonymous said...

More McGill grads! Haha love this post.
~ Michele