Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Resolutions

1. Keep in contact with certain people on a more regular basis
2. actually learn to play the instruments I own
3. Take French lessons
4. start street fashion blog with help from my wonderful big sis
5. keep up with all my readings the week they are assigned
6. go through each lecture notes after the lecture, not right before the exam
7. grow about 5 inches
8. gain 5 pounds and give blood
9. survive the first year of McGill life
10. figure this whole "degree" thing out
11. make my apartment look like a real home
12. find a new apartment
13. go to the radio station every day
14. send off my application to join the stem cell donor bank
15. write more short stories and poems
16. stick to my budget
17. find a way to get more money for next year
18. start making and selling jewellery again
19. read the news every morning
20. learn stuff about stuff
21. grow out hair, not dying it anymore would prolly be a good idea
22. learn to draw nude people
23. read at least a book a month for fun
24. maintain a decent GPA
25. get into honours Linguistics