Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
No, Alyson, not THAT person.
This person.
P.S. Seb, I still love you.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Weeks of finals just aren't good for you.
10 days, 12 hours, 40 minutes and 36 seconds until my last exam is OVER.
make that 23 seconds.
I'm off to study. or die. or something.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The top 10 things about the holiday season:
2. Tim Horton's Candy cane hot chocolate
3. candy cane hot chocolate that ain't from Tim's
4. getting presents
5. not having to go to class
6. cozy sweaters and hats
7. eggnog cappuccinos
8. wrapping gifts
9. being at home
10. eggnog.
*honourable mention- candy canes
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Book Review?
Maybe I'll review a book I just finished reading. Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella.
It is the cheesiest, lamest, most unable-to-put-down book I have ever read, and I highly recommend it if you want something thoughtless to read that will make you laugh, cry, and wish your life was half as juicy.
I'm too lazy to go through the entire plot, but this girl wakes up, after having been in a car crash, and it turns out she's lost 3 years of her life to retrograde amnesia. The last thing she can remember is being 24 and really poor, unfashionable, and everything that goes with. She wakes up gorgeous and rich, with a super fine husband and her dream job. How does she go from one to the other? I guess you'll just have to read the book. Trust me, you won't be able to put it down.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
My Wishlist
I am Small.
Tiny. Miniature.
I walk through this world unnoticed
dodging blades of grass
as they move with the wind.
Monday, November 10, 2008
I have nothing to say.
I just felt like this blog deserved a post because one hasn't been made in a while.
Since I've already said nothing, I'll get back to my midterm studying now.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Eight Reasons me and Aly are PRIME.
1. alycat says: (4:49:21 PM)
your mom lmao'd!!
alycat says: (4:49:24 PM)
she roflmao'd!!!!
Jer says: (4:49:59 PM)
alycat says: (4:50:04 PM)
Jer says: (4:50:09 PM)
not only did she roflmao
Jer says: (4:50:21 PM)
she roflmao'd over me not having envelopes
alycat says: (4:50:32 PM)
she's easily roflmao'd
Jer says: (4:52:44 PM)
apparently so
2. Jer says: (6:43:19 PM)
help me come up with an idea for a short story.
tobias says: (6:43:53 PM)
batman falling in love with a fat chick
tobias says: (6:43:54 PM)
Jer says: (6:44:02 PM)
tobias says: (6:44:11 PM)
someone already wrote that~
Jer says: (6:44:16 PM)
this is why aly doesn't write.
3. Jer says: (9:50:45 PM)
Jer says: (9:50:48 PM)
my mac can talk
alyson says: (9:50:54 PM)
yes it can
alyson says: (9:50:57 PM)
it can do anything, jeri
alyson says: (9:50:59 PM)
it's a MAC
4. Jer says: (12:01:49 PM)
jack layton got his BA at mcgill
alyson says: (12:03:00 PM)
so did my aunt
alyson says: (12:03:04 PM)
Jer says: (12:04:16 PM)
Jer says: (12:04:26 PM)
jack layton isn't a lesbian.
Jer says: (12:04:29 PM)
so ha.
alyson says: (12:04:32 PM)
well he might be
5. Jer says: (4:04:21 PM)
i'm gonna make a omg i'd die to do him list
alyson is making cookies!!!!! says: (4:05:13 PM)
alyson is making cookies!!!!! says: (4:05:14 PM)
alyson is making cookies!!!!! says: (4:05:15 PM)
alyson is making cookies!!!!! says: (4:05:30 PM)
#1 christian bale
#2 christian bale
#3 christian bale
6. Jer says: (6:58:39 PM)
Jer says: (6:58:48 PM)
i can't fit into my prom dress
Jer says: (6:58:53 PM)
i've gained weight!
Jer says: (6:59:13 PM)
oh i lied
Jer says: (6:59:17 PM)
i was just wearing a bra.
7. alyson says: (6:39:38 PM)
my boobs are inhibiting my dancing
Jer says: (6:39:42 PM)
alyson says: (6:40:29 PM)
they are jiggling too much IT IS DISTRACTING
Jer says: (6:40:33 PM)
Jer says: (6:40:39 PM)
your boobs are too huge!
alyson says: (6:40:57 PM)
I KNOW omg
8. Jer says: (6:07:44 PM)
they should put me in power
Jer says: (6:07:48 PM)
i'd set people straight
alyson says: (6:07:50 PM)
Jer says: (6:07:53 PM)
alyson says: (6:07:58 PM)
we'd make America sexy again
Jer says: (6:08:02 PM)
now OUR country would be fucked. :P
Jer says: (6:08:05 PM)
we'd be like
alyson says: (6:08:08 PM)
Jer says: (6:08:32 PM)
okay everyone, just have sex, smoke pot and spend excessive amounts of money. everything will be just fine.
alyson says: (6:08:48 PM)
Jer says: (6:08:54 PM)
you totally know it's true
alyson says: (6:09:00 PM)
"don't worry about the economy we'll just print more money you'll all get 10,000 in the mail LOL HAVE FUN"
aaaaaaaand yeah. I'm sorry for anyone who isn't us who doesn't get the utter amazingness of this post.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I love myself.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Today, I made a list.

Monday, October 20, 2008
My notes have been collected since the seventh grade, when I discovered the joys that could come from small pieces of paper stealthily passed around the classroom. My friends and I, partners in crime, would often glance at each other, trying in vain to conceal a smile, while we faked a yawn, and dropped the note on the desk behind us. Since then, the methods of passing the notes have evolved, as have the notes themselves. They have become more than just pastimes; they have become parts of who I am. One part of me was formed by the fights I had with my best friend through notes in the ninth grade. Another part of me was formed by the numerous love notes sent by my first serious boyfriend in the 11th grade. I learned minimal Korean and Chinese through various notes sent through high school, and it has all shaped who I am now.
I can just see it. One would walk into my museum, and instead of seeing displays with captions, they would simply see the captions themselves. Hundreds and hundreds of framed notes would hang off the walls. They would be in chronological order with labels indicating the time and the topic of conversation. They could also be organized by person, or perhaps by country, whichever allows for the easiest understanding. At any rate, any random passerby would be able to walk through the room, read the seemingly infinite series of notes, and automatically have a good idea of who I was, and who I have been to those who have known me. They would know me, in a sense.
My museum would be perfect. It would be full of art, drama, literature, history, and, most of all, life. It would be the portrait of an eclectic seventeen year-old girl, and the stories she had to share from around the world. It would be a portrait of me. Me and my notes.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Vacation Time!

Monday, October 6, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
What I do instead of paying attention in class...
Spinning, spinning, spinning
round and round.
eyes closed
arms outstretched
spinning, spinning, spinning.
losing balance
tiptoeing around a fixed point
a giant smile
spinning, spinning, spinning
shining sun
green grass
blue skies
clean, sweet air
spinning, spinning, spinning
falling to the ground
smelling the grass
resting. no longer
spinning, spinning, spinning.
all spun out,
she falls asleep.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
I want...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Song For The Road
Lengthy shadows on unfamiliar towns
I drove 300 miles from the place I call home
And I tip my hat to the angel of the North
And the sun sets fire to the heavens
On the hills over Sheffield tonight
And I'll sail over this countryside with new friends and old
And we are no where, but man, we're alright
So you can keep your belief in whatever
I'll wear my cynicism like a tattoo
While poets try to engineer definitions of love
You know all I can think of is you
And I can't wait to see you on Sunday
Far from the traffic and the smoke and the noise
For this evening I will play back every message that you sent
And I will sleep to the sound of your voice
Now I don't like using words like forever
But I will love you til the end of today
And in the morning when I remember everything that you are
I know I'll fall for you over again
I know someday this all will be over
And it's hard to say what most I will miss
Just give me one way to spend my last moments alive
And I'll choose this, I'll choose this, I'll choose this
I'll choose this, I'll choose this, I'll choose this
I'll choose this, I'll choose this, I'll choose this
You Should Have Believed
She couldn’t run. She couldn’t fucking run. She was trapped, she was cold, she was terrified. The tips of her fingers were beginning to turn blue and lose their feeling. She was completely miserable and she couldn’t run.
“How did I get myself into this mess?”
She pleaded with herself for some sort of rationalization. She had thought it would be fun. She wanted to test her disbelief. Searching for some sort of inner calm, she made a list in her head. Everything seemed so much simpler when written in a list. It didn’t matter. She was still trapped. She still couldn’t run.
“It’s probably coming for me. It’s probably done in with Evan. It’s probably... Oh God, I don’t know.”
The silence was horrifying. If she could only hear, if she could only have some sort of idea of when it would be coming back. But instead, she just sat in the agonizing silence, her head resting on her bare legs, her shaking arms over top of her head.
“Never again. I’m going straight home after this. If I get out of here. No. When. When I get out of here. I’m getting out, I’m getting out, I’ve gotta get out.”
She thought back to a couple of weeks ago. She got a CD in the mail. She remembered contemplating tossing it in the return to sender box, never to be seen again. She changed her mind. She brought it into her house, put it in her stereo, ready to have a laugh. It was no big deal. Highway to Heaven. The spiritual guide through life and how to make the best of your journey. It had sounded like she’d be in for quite a laugh. She had loved it when Christian marketers came around, parading their religion like it was the newest fashion. It had always seemed so ridiculous, to take something as spiritual as one’s core beliefs, and turn it into a commercial recruiting war. That’s why she listened to the CD. That’s why she lay on her bed, laughing at the “scientific” reasons for God’s existence. That’s why she was currently trapped in this abysmal, horrifying dark hole, with only the expectation of what was to come next to keep her company.
“Oh God, Evan. What have I done to you? I brought you into all of this, and now who knows what’s happening. I’m sorry. So sorry.”
Evan had knocked on the door. Silly boy. She called him up, invited him into her room, and they spent a pseudo normal afternoon simply chatting, listening to this CD, laughing at religious extremists. She mentioned that God didn’t even exist, he was simply something that humans created to help themselves feel whole.
“God is real. Lucifer is real. Oh my goodness, everything is real. I’m going to die here. I’m going insane. I don’t know where I’m going. oh my God, I’m going to die.”
All of a sudden the CD ended, and everything had gone black. She had woken up naked, dirty, and freezing. Evan was next to her, in a similar position. Her memory was blank. Everything was blank. She couldn’t recall the CD, the topic of discussion, anything. She was terrified.
And then she saw it.
“I’m sorry God. So, so sorry. I believe in you, I love you, please just take me away from this place. Please loosen the grasp that the devil has placed on my dear Evan. Let me wake up in my bed, warm and comfortable. Please, please let me live.”
He loomed far above everything, a massive creature coated in a blackish slime. He reached down, and grabbed Evan with his enormous claws, leaving a trail behind him. He was indescribable. He wasn’t a monster, he was the devil. As he left the room, Evan in his grasp, it began to come back to her. She began to understand. She was blasphemous. She was cruel and stupid and she was now paying the price.
“If only I had believed. I should have believed. I’m such an idiot, I should have believed!”
Her screams pierced through the still air. She had aroused his attention. She had changed his focus. And now he was back.
“Oh please, no. No, no. Oh fuck, I’m going to die. Please don’t let me die!”
As her sobbing, choking figure was lifted, there was only one thought in her mind. She had never thought that hell would be this cold.
Workaholic much?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Saeglopur Video
Sigur Ros