Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Workaholic much?

Is it horrible that I'm beginning to find half of my classes as useless? I feel really guilty about skipping, but at the same time, I really don't see much point in showing up.

Yesterday I didn't do any work. I went uptown and hung out with some friends until 11 PM. And I feel really bad about it, but at the same time it's not like I had anything else to do. I would have stayed home doing nothing and not felt that bad. This way, I didn't even try. I need to get myself out of IB mode. 

I don't know. Maybe uni is changing me. Maybe the lack of parental oversight is making me go overboard. But I don't think so. I don't know what's up. I know nobody is reading this, but if you are, I'll keep you posted.


alyson wonderland said...

i'd probably skip all my classes if i was in university (this is why i am not in university)

Nathanial Stuart said...

Three of my five classes aren't good. They're not being taught well, and I sit trhough them anyways. Which is a bummer, because I paid for them. It's like when you buy a new kind of gum, and then it turns out to be really crappy, except this time it's a couple thousand dollars worth of bad gum.

At least you're at McGill and free to do what you want. There are five or six people in my Latin Class who can't tell a verb from a adjective (not exaggerating)

My psych class is the worst, so once I get my laptop back I'm going to sit in the back of the class and write novellas. Or else I'll read. I dunno, surviving is the main bit for me right now, and it shouldn't be.

And I should be doing my Latin homework instead of sitting in the hallway at a computer kiosk posting four paragraph comments from people already at McGill.