Saturday, April 4, 2009

Reasons I hate clubs:

1. all you end up smelling is BO.

2. falling over yourself is NOT attractive. Ever.

3. guys are tasteless.

4. girls are tasteless.

5. the music is tasteless

6. even the drinks are tasteless.

remind me why I still go every once in a while? someone? please?


Mickie said...

It's just like Everest - you go... 'because it's there.'

Jeri said...

thanks, Mickie. I was worried that I was turning into a brainless Britney-wanna be slut. This makes me feel better. :)

K.Donk said...

I like to go for the lols.

And I mean wet/drys as opposed to clubs, because I can't go to clubs (yet). But the wet/drys are worse because it's predominantly underage people so all of those things are present except it's a bit worse.

Mickie said...

Jeri, you are the farthest thing from a brainless Britney wanna be slut that I can think of. And I mean that as a compliment!