With the absence of a topic, or anything to do for the next hour, I am going to write/talk about whatever happens to come to my mind.
I'm currently sitting in the cafeteria of the Medical building, which is the one building on campus that is in the middle of nowhere. It's such a hassle to get to that since I have 2 classes in it in one day, I rarely leave, even though the classes are 3 hours apart. I know, I'm quite possibly the laziest person you'll ever meet, but hey, it works. I studied for my Social Psych midterm for the first part of it, but I really can't be bothered to study anymore, so this is my break.
I cannot wait for this week to end. It's so close, yet so far away. I suppose the only things I was really dreading about this week are still yet to come. Midterm and assignment due, after all. I should prolly get on working on that assignment. I looked at some of the questions and it seems like it's going to be pretty rough. I just can't bring myself to do it yet. I'll wait for Louise to come down tonight after I"m done my midterm and we'll work it out together. Looks like I'm in for a long night. Maybe I'll have to put tomorrow's train time towards sleeping instead of studying for Perception, but I really can't afford to. My studying for perception time is completely based on the fact that I am going to study during the train trip. I guess we'll have to see how things go down.
Speaking of the train trip, how awesome is it going to be to get a complete break from school work for a weekend? Plus, I'm going to see my boyfriend, who I haven't seen since the end of August. I'm so excited. We're having dinner with his entire extended family, sort of. From what I can gather it's his grandmother, and his aunt and uncle and his cousins. I dunno, he's from Ontario, so there are prolly more people that will be there. Am I looking forward to meeting the family? I guess. I'm afraid they won't like me, but that's just the way I am. Everyone has those fears, I'd assume. But yeah, a real thanksgiving dinner. Hopefully it'll make me feel a littl less homesick.
I haven't really felt homesick yet. I've had those little tinges, but nothing that I'd break down and cry over. I'm definitely looking forward to going back home. It's going to be a great time, not to have to worry about any work or finals, or even anything school related. I haven't had a summer like this in a while. Normally, work is assigned over the winter because the classes carry on (Love IB, by the way) but not this time. Courses end, no work. It's going to be premium. I kind of miss the people too. I know I complained about SJ all the time when I lived there, but those little things sort of get to you when you're away. It all boils down to the fact that it'll just be nice to see everyone again, and I'm looking forward to it.
I can't believe that I've written this much and there's still a half hour left to go before I even think about getting up and going to my classroom. I mean it's Stats, after all. I can tell you now what's going to happen. The professor is going to walk in 10 minutes late. He's then going to spend at least 5, if not 10 more minutes trying to get the projector working. Then, he will turn the lights on, then off, then on again and off again. He will do that for around 5 minutes. Then, finally, the lecture will begin. If you can call it a lecture. He will read the slides, pausing every 2 minutes to ask if we have questions. When a question is asked, he will go to the corresponding slide and reread it. And so it will go until the end, when 10 minutes before class is actually over, the class will start packing up. Since the professor is helpless against this massive student mutiny, he'll just stop talking, mid sentence. End of lecture, and I can go home. Why do I bother to go, do you ask? I mean, the slides are just posted on Web CT anyways. Well, the answer is that I don't go to half of them. The ones that I do go to are just so I know where we are in the syllabus so that i can do the corresponding book questions. Today, unfortunately, is one of those days. Plus, the midterm was last class, so I figure that something may be said regarding it.
I can't believe it. I'm beginning to run out of things to drone on and on about, and it's only 12:37. I'll prolly head out at around 12:55, so I can get a decent seat to get in on the mad exciting class that is statistics.
I finally got my nose ring out last night. The stud, that is. I suppose it's not a ring. I wanted to replace it with a hoop, but when I put the hoop in, it was way too big and bulky. It was screaming I am a giant hoop trying to make a statement, hear me roar! So, after all the pain and effort that went into changing my ring, I ended up putting the stud back in. I'm going to go back to the hoop, though, once I find one that's a lot smaller and less in your face. Cuz the hoops are awesome, and I like them a lot. I did take a picture, though, just for kicks. It was a somewhat fun break from studying. I'll be sure to do it again in the near future.
Anyways, it's getting to be close to the time when I should think about heading towards my classroom, so I think it's time to draw this post to a close. Nobody is likely even reading this anymore. The size of the post threw them off. Oh well, I'm writing for my own benefit over anybody elses. It was something for me to do, I don't actually care whether or not people read it. Or maybe I do. Maybe that's why I keep a blog. In any case, it's now time for me to head out, so until next time.