Whales are pretty much premium. They have giant bodies with fins and blowholes and mouths with no teeth that eat krill and other such small fish.
You can see them every so often because they are mammals and have to go to the surface to breathe, and they are the cutest things ever, so it's worth it.

And... uhh... yeah. I like whales.
killer whales are okay, but anything with baleen gives me the willies (haha, that was kind of hilarious...like...free willy...free willies...willies.... ha ha ha ha)
Wow, I 100% agree. Orcas have been my favourite animal since I was like, 3, but I always hated going to the NB museum because the baleen display that they have just hanging there always gave me the willies. I still can't look at it. And I know I'm commenting on the past and probably no one will ever see this, but I felt the need to give my 2 cents anyway.
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